أضيفي الحزام لقفطانك الفضفاض، لإعطاء قوامك شكل الساعة الرملية. يمكنك ارتداء قفطانك فوق عباءة ستان إذا كان بستايل مفتوح من الأمام، أو يمكنك ...
Fly farther with Qatar Airways and indulge in unmatched luxury, world-class service, and award-winning comfort. Book your ...
فقط شاهدي الفيديو التالي للتعرف على أسهل طريقة تمنع انبعاث الرائحة الكريهة من القدم، فهي لن تستغرق سوى ثوان معدودة. ١٠ وصفات طبيعية لعلاج ...
Star Yehia El-Fakharany returns to the Ramadan season after a three-year break with his new series “Atbat El Bahga” which revolves around a compelling social story about the grandfather and his ...
To create the illusion of an hourglass belt up your loose dress. You can layer your kaftan over a basic satin dress if it is open and belt it up or you can just wear a belt with it if your Kaftan is ...
One of the most anticipated drama series this year is “Haq Arab”. The series is set in a neighborhood, delivering a narrative rich in conflicts, stories, as well as human and romantic elements.
For a Ramadan-day look, you can wear your kimono with your favorite jeans and a simple t-shirt or blouse. This has always been one of the most popular and common ways to style kimonos. It's easy and ...
Ramadan is around the corner, so let's get ready for it with Mii, as they have in-style and modest fits that are perfect for Ramadan gatherings. They have a variety of outfits , as you can go funky ...
If you're not wearing the right shoes, working from 9 to 5 may be really taxing on your feet. Read this for 9 ... Style Ideas How to Style Stockings and Boots Like These Chic Ladies You like the ...
Custom charms and patches are the ultimate style enhancers. The Monterey charms are perfect for adding a pop of personality to bags, jackets, hats, and more. Imagine a leather tote adorned with a ...
برج الحمل: مشاريعك التي بذلت فيها مجهود كبير في الفترة الأخيرة ستأتي بنتائج مذهلة طالما أعطيتها حقها بالكامل. فلا تستسلمي إن تأخرت المكاسب ...
قبل تطبيق أي منتج للشفاه، من الضروري البدء بقاعدة ناعمة. يساعد تقشير شفتيك على إزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة ويترك شفتيك ناعمة وملساء وجاهزة ...