Tynia BrownJournal Staff Writer During a presentation to the people of Cat Island on Monday September 2nd Minister of Healthand Wellness Dr. Michael Darville says that his ministry has plans for a new ...
following an investigation launched by police into a social media matter between ...
The deputy prime minister highlighted the more than 20 major airlines that fly to The Bahamas, modern infrastructure, dining ...
Prime Minister Philip Davis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Aviation Chester Cooper visited the island ...
Carbon offsets or credits are investments in sustainability projects around the globe that, in theory, conserve enough emissions to counteract those produced by carbon-intensive activities such as ...
After being invited by Opposition leader Michael Pintard to jointly share who their major donors are on Tuesday Prime ...
Dr McIver highlighted the fact that both parties have promised to establish legislation for finance reform in the country and have failed to deliver. She also claimed that the Campaign Finance Bill ...
According to the government the loan is to expedite required upgrades to the North Eleuthera International Airport. In a ...
At that time (2016), he noted, three million dollars’ worth of funding from the Caribbean Development Bank was put toward the ...
Dr. Sands also responded to comments made by PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell who appealed to voters warning them not to return the FNM to power during the 2026 elections because “the FNM are cruel masters” ...