Topics in Medical Informatics is back after a short hiatus with a new time and format. The course combines a journal club with a social agenda of having fun. The intent is to bring together the ...
My life is now a fast paced blur of events as I run though the treadmill of life with work, family, and the kids, however, first memories of Columbia are still sharp and forever etched in my mind. It ...
Growing up in California, my father was a fresh air fanatic. He insisted that you should always sleep with a window slightly ajar for some fresh air. That worked fine in California, but it created ...
In Canada, where I'm from, September marks the end of summer, with days getting shorter and temperatures dropping. In November, snow starts, and it gets really dark outside. Then, in December, it gets ...
I was intrigued that you would want to know about our religious experiences. During my four years there, I remember Columbia University feeling like the most God-forsaken patch of pagan indifference ...
Columbia has a beautiful campus. In particular, the view from the windows of the East Asian Library looking out at night onto the lighted trees in winter is breathtaking.
At the ripe old age of "over 40," I began my long term full-time graduate work at TC in 1991. That work was the culmination of a lifelong dream to attend Columbia. Early on during that time, I moved ...
In my freshman CC course, there was a classmate who was fond of giving lengthy answers that were somewhat amorphous and tended to cover all bets so that, in some way, his answer -- or some part of it ...
I was so sorry to learn that Drew's, at the SW corner of 106th and Broadway, had become a food market some years back. After all, if it were not for the establishment's completely uninterested ...
When I was a freshman I led a panty raid on Barnard. We had at least 100 guys storming the Barnard dorm in search of underwear. (What trophy could be more valuable?) In the pandemonium I hit one room ...
I remember moving into Furnald dorm for my junior year and realizing for the first time that not only was the floor co-ed, but the bathrooms were, too. I noticed that in the stall next to me the ...