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The online database contains information on over 220,000 works, 150,000 of which are illustrated; the National Portrait Gallery's collection includes over 350,000 works. We update the database daily.
Diana (née Bridgeman), Lady Abdy (1907-1967), Fashion leader; wife of Sir Robert Henry Abdy; daughter of 5th Earl of Bradford. 15 Portraits Hariot (née Alston), Lady Abdy (1819-1877), Wife of Sir ...
Raphael Tuck & Sons (active 1866-1959), Publishers. Artist or producer associated with 263 portraits.
Born in London in 1906, Amy was one of the eight children of John and Caroline Barbour-James. The family relocated to London from British Guiana (present-day Guyana) in 1905, while her father worked ...
Seating in the Ondaatje Wing Theatre is tiered. There are staircases on either side of the raked stalls. Both staircases have wall-mounted handrails running the entire length of the stairs. The ...
Children's authors enchant, educate and endure. From Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit and the charming adventures of A.A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh, to the spellbinding magic of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K.
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What do sketchbooks reveal about the creative mind of one of the twentieth century’s most celebrated artists? Watch artist and presenter, Frank Paul, describe sitting for portraits by his father, the ...
What do sketchbooks reveal about the creative mind of one of the twentieth century’s most celebrated artists? Watch fashion designer, Bella Freud, talk about sitting for portraits by her father, the ...
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If they inspire you please support our work.