Figure 1: Parkinson’s disease primarily affects neurons in the brain that produce dopamine (depicted here). Now, RIKEN researchers have found that selective vulnerability of neurons also applies to a ...
Exotic superconducting states can exist in common iron-based superconductors, according to a theoretical analysis Figure 1: A diagram showing one case of the energy dispersion of surface states in an ...
The Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) views the functions of molecules, cells, and organs that support all life stages of organisms as a dynamic system, and aims to elucidate developmental ...
Our team is conducting research on various quantum spintronics phenomena in nanoscale composite structures. Focusing on quantum spin dynamics, spin transport, and the interaction between spin and ...
Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) have uncovered how perceptual memories linked to positive emotions, such as joy or happiness, are strengthened during sleep. The study, ...
The Tokyo Metro subway system offers through trains to Kawagoe-shi station on the TOBU Tojo line, and Hanno station on theSEIBU Ikebukuro line. Please make sure to take a train leaving for Wako-shi & ...
Papers with an asterisk(*) are based on research conducted outside of RIKEN. 1.*Ishii, K.K.*, Osakada, T.*, Mori, H., Miyasaka, N., Yoshihara, Y., Miyamichi, K ...
2025年1月9日、クリスティーナ・エールン デンマーク高等教育・科学大臣が、デンマークの主要大学の学長や財団の理事長ら14名と共に、理化学研究所(理研)和光地区を訪問されました。 当日はまず、仁科加速器科学研究センター(RNC)で、櫻井 博儀 ...
自然科学研究機構 国立天文台、理化学研究所、工学院大学ほかは、アルマ望遠鏡を用いて、惑星を作る材料となる塵(ちり)の粒子が起こす偏光を観測した結果、原始惑星系円盤の磁場構造を描き出すことに初めて成功しました。さらに、磁場の方向を詳細に調べることで円盤の3次元の磁場構造を予測する手法を提案し、実際に磁場の構造や強度を見積もることにも成功しました。