Based on a manhwa by author Chugong, Solo Leveling revolves around the story of Jinwoo, a hapless hunter struggling through ...
Solo Leveling is taking a step back from the constant action, giving fans a moment of respite and a moment to absorb ...
Jinwoo gets his Rank reassessed, and is revealed to be Korea's 10th S-Rank Hunter, kicking off the Guilds' race for his ...
Solo Leveling features multiple hunter guilds, and here are our top 10 picks for the most powerful guilds in the story.
All in all, this is a great episode even with its near-total lack of action. It makes the world feel real and complex in a ...
Check out when did Sung Jinwoo, the new Shadow Monarch, become an S-Rank hunter officially in the Solo Leveling universe here ...
Solo Leveling, as the anime, documentary, and sequel manhwa were released. How does Ragnarök compare to the original manhwa?
Solo Leveling’s female lead, Cha Hae-in, in particular, suffers a lot of setbacks because of her portrayal in the manhwa.
So how did Jinwoo get to this point? Funny story, he was able to achieve this by taking down the Blood-Red Commander Igris, ...
Crunchyroll's Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 3: "Still a Long Way to Go" demonstrated yet another level and layer to Jinwoo's ...
In ‘Still a Long Way to Go,’ Jinwoo’s shadow army battled demons inside a gate, revealing its strength to Jinho for the first ...
Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 4 eschews action for plot development, pushing Jin-woo's story without any surprising elements ...