ArcGIS Web Application - Fulton County
Explore Fulton County property data with the ArcGIS Web Application.
Log In - Image Mate Online - Fulton County, NY
Image Mate Online is Fulton County’s commitment to provide the public with easy access to real property information. Fulton County, with the cooperation of SDG, provides access to RPS data, tax maps, and photographic images of properties. Tax maps and images are rendered in many different formats.
Maps - Fulton County Government
The maps and locator tools provided on this page include a variety of geospatial data related to Fulton County, its land features, political boundaries, and demographics.
Property Map Viewer - Fulton County, Georgia - ArcGIS
Fulton County, Georgia - Open Data. Recent Downloads; Fulton County, GA
Property Map Viewer - Fulton County, Georgia
Fulton County, Georgia - Open Data
Fulton County, Georgia - Open Data
Discover, analyze and download data from Fulton County, Georgia - Open Data. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps.
PropertyMapViewer/PropertyMapViewer (MapServer) - Fulton County…
Subject: Map service supporting the Fulton County Property Map Viewer application.
Tax Parcels - Fulton County, Georgia
The tax parcel dataset is used primarily in support of the Fulton County Board of Assessor's mission of appraising properties and building the annual tax digest.
OpenData/Tax_Parcels (MapServer) - Fulton County, Georgia
This dataset represents the boundary of each parcel of land in Fulton County recorded for the pupose of aiding in the appraisal of real property and the determination of property tax. A parcel dataset is created each year in association with that year's tax digest.
Tax Parcels 2020 | ArcGIS Hub
Aug 27, 2020 · This dataset represents the boundary of each parcel of land in Fulton County recorded for the purpose of aiding in the appraisal of real property and the determination of property tax. A parcel dataset is created each year in association with that year's tax digest.
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