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  1. Copilot Answer

    Kota Tua is a remainder of Old Batavia, the first walled settlement of the Dutch in Jakarta area. It was an inner walled city with its own Castle. The area gained importance during the 17th-19th century when it wa… See more

    Restoration and revitalization

    The first concrete plan of Kota Tua revitalization was signed in December 2004 by Jakarta Old Town-Kotaku and the government of Jakarta. The commencement of the revitalization plan was starte… See more

    Notable sites

    Nowadays, many remaining historical buildings and architecture are steadily deteriorating, but some of the old buildings have been restored to their former glory. However, there is still much hope in restoring th… See more

    List of street names

    Most street layout of Kota Tua has not changed since the foundation of Batavia in the 17th century. Below is a list of street names in Kota Tua. The list of street is limited to the street that was at one time located wit… See more