Inmate Search | Sedgwick County, Kansas
This database contains public record information on persons currently in the custody of the Sedgwick County Sheriff. The information contained in the website is updated regularly; however, the information found herein may not reflect a person’s actual current location or other information which can change rapidly.
Detention Bureau | Sedgwick County, Kansas
The Detention Bureau is the “Gate Keeper” to the criminal justice system in Sedgwick County. Over three hundred men and women work around the clock, seven days a week to ensure the safety of the public, inmates and themselves. The Bureau is responsible for the main facility located at 141 W. Elm.
Inmate Visitation & Guidelines | Sedgwick County, Kansas
All visits are held at the Sedgwick County Adult Detention Facility located at 141 W Elm. All visits will be video visits and must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. The first time a remote visitation user registers, they must be approved by Detention staff.
Sedgwick County Jail
Sedgwick County Jail. Address. 141 W. Elm Wichita, KS 67203 (316) 660-5245. https://www.sedgwickcounty.org/sheriff/detention-bureau/
Sedgwick County Jail, KS: Inmate Search Options, Visitations ...
Feb 1, 2024 · Family loved ones and associates can find inmates using the Sedgwick County Jail's online inmate search tool, accessible via the Sedgwick County Sheriffs Office / Sedgwick County Detention Center website.
Sedgwick County Detention Facility - Jail Exchange
To search for an inmate in the Sedgwick County Detention Facility, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 316-660-5245 for the information you are looking for.
Sedgwick County Sheriffs Office / Sedgwick County Detention ...
The Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office patrols 1009 square miles, manages the largest jail in Kansas, provides education and outreach, develops crime reduction information, transports inmates, conducts criminal investigations, and enforces criminal and traffic statutes.