Philosophy Now | a magazine of ideas
Welcome to Philosophy Now. the bi-monthly magazine for everyone interested in ideas. Published since 1991, it was the winner of the 2016 Bertrand Russell Society Award.
Exploring Atheism | Issue 165 | Philosophy Now
Amrit Pathak gives us a run-down of the foundations of modern atheism. Atheism, defined as belief in the absence of any God or gods, has long been a topic of philosophical inquiry. In recent years, amidst a backdrop of growing secularization and cultural diversity, atheism has emerged as …
Philosophers Exploring The Good Life | Issue 162 | Philosophy Now
The Search for Meaning Philosophers Exploring The Good Life Jim Mepham quests with philosophers to discover what makes a life good.. I have attended a number of funerals recently and it has got me thinking. Imagine after you’ve died, your loved ones are sitting around, reminiscing about your life.
What is Freedom? | Issue 143 | Philosophy Now
Let’s look at this question through three lenses: ethical, metaphysical, and political. Ethically, according to Epicurus, freedom is not ‘fulfilling all desires’, but instead, being free from vain, unnecessary, or addictive desires. The addict is enslaved even when he obtains his drug; but the virtuous person is free because she doesn’t even desire the drug.
What Is Life? | Issue 101 | Philosophy Now
The following answers to this fundamental question each win a random book. Life is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth (reproduction and metabolism). The crucial difference between life and non-life …
Issues - Philosophy Now
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What Is The Nature Of Reality? | Issue 61 | Philosophy Now
Definition 1. A reality consists of the interactions of a particular thing with what ‘becomes’ for that thing.. Definition 2. Reality (with a capital R) consists of all realities.. Definition 3. The nature of a reality, or of Reality, is a description or explanation of that reality, or of Reality.
What Is Truth? | Issue 86 | Philosophy Now
I would like to say that truth exists outside of us, for all to see. Unfortunately, humans can be stubborn, and so the actual pinning down of what a truth is is more complicated. Society plays host to two types of truths; subjective truth and objective truth.
Aristotle’s Philosophy of Equality, Peace, & Democracy
Visions of Society Aristotle’s Philosophy of Equality, Peace, & Democracy Matt Qvortrup argues that Aristotle’s political philosophy is surprisingly modern.. The son of a doctor, Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in Macedonia in the year 384 BC, and was educated at Plato’s Academy.
Free Articles Selection - Philosophy Now
Free Articles Selection The Party Without Me. David Rönnegard laments having to leave the party early.. Atheist In A Foxhole. David Rönnegard asks how a committed atheist confronted with death might find consolation.. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) Alistair MacFarlane on how a poet’s daughter invented the concept of software.. Nietzsche, Our Contemporary