Continuity Central: the international business continuity …
DORA: steps for implementing the Digital Operational Resilience Act. Impacted organizations have until January 2025 to become fully compliant with the EU’s DORA. Dr. Roland Pulfer looks at what needs to be taken into account and how to successfully and pragmatically make the changes required for compliance.
North America business continuity, enterprise risk management …
Recent North America business continuity news, articles and information
The Continuity Central Archive: On 20th April 2015 a redesign of Continuity Central went live. On that site all content added to Continuity Central since 1st January 2015 is available.
About Continuity Central
Continuity Central is owned by Riskonnect and is published as an independent resource for the business continuity, resilience, and enterprise risk management communities.. Riskonnect is the leading integrated risk management software solution provider. Its technology empowers organizations with the ability to anticipate, manage, and respond in real-time to strategic and operational risks ...
A step-by-step guide to writing a business continuity plan for your ...
Sep 30, 2022 · In an article aimed at providing assistance to those starting out in business continuity, CMAC overviews the basics of business continuity and offers a useful framework for writing your first business continuity plan.
What is business continuity?
Business continuity can be defined as ‘the processes, procedures, decisions and activities to ensure that an organization can continue to function through an operational interruption’. In other words it is about making proactive and reactive plans to help your organization avoid crises and ...
Business continuity
Business continuity can be defined as ‘the processes, procedures, decisions and activities to ensure that an organization can continue to function through an operational interruption’.
Continuity Central webinars
A new series of short videos looks at some of the widely held misconceptions in our industry that newcomers and long-timers alike should be wary of, as well as discussing some novel approaches to the business continuity discipline. In the five-part video blog, David Lindstedt of Readiness Analytics ...
Business continuity resources
Business continuity plans and strategies require the involvement of many different members of your organization, but to be effective during a crisis, these individuals need to have practiced their roles. ChatGPT has never been far from the headlines over the past few months. At …
Business continuity: plan development
A business continuity checklist MegaPath has developed a shortlist of common items that those developing their first business continuity plan should consider.