Top suggestions for Carole Wells |
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- Carole Wells
Actress - Password with Carole Wells
and Bob Denver - Kitty Wells
Dear John - Marion
Davies - Gilligan's Island Lost
Pilot Episode - Carole
Ann Ford - Lionel
Barrymore - A Christmas
Carol 1943 - Tracy Nelson
Actress - West Wing Aaron
Sorkin - Karl Denver Voices
of the Highlands - Kitty Wells
Old Country Church - Stanley Wells
Shakespeare - Ferguson Logan Funeral
Home Montague PEI - Carol Ann
Ford - William Russell
Doctor Who - Kelley O'Hara
South Pacific - Spock Carol
Burnett - Gilligan Island
Commercial - Old Country Music Kitty
Wells - Bette Davis Katharine
Hepburn - William Shakespeare
House - Carol Ann Ford
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